Country: Sweden
14 - Please don't take this too much into account when considering my apply
What times can you play:
Mondays: 17:30 - 01:00
Tuesday: 17:30 - 00:00
Wednesdays: 17:30 - 00:00
Thursdays: 17:30 - 00:00
Fridays: 17:30 - 03:00
Saturdays: 17:30 - 03:00
Sundays: 17:30 - 01:00
These are the times I prefer, of course I can stretch some of the days a bit longer / start a bit earlier.
INFORMATIONCharacter name: Terólyn - Note the "ó". My friend will also drop an apply, with the same name but a different "o".
We didn't really plan to go PvE until recently.
Class: Priest
Race: Undead
Current Holy specc: you might wonder why I haven't gotten into Improved and Empowered renew, instead I've gone into Body and Soul. The reason for this is that me and my friend are speedrunning HC's as we dinged a few hours ago. Although in some encounters (such as ToGC) Body and Soul isn't that bad
. Sometimes people tend to be slow on their keyboard.
We plan to make these our mains.
Main PVE gear: (Armory Link) played
Total: 6days
On 80: 10hours
Tell us a little about what your class and specc
brings to the raid:
. My class is a very good raid healer, as CoH and Serendipity + PoH will get a group topped in no-time. As I stated above, my specc is a little off the usual as we're speedrunning HC's for emblems & gear.
We plan on getting Full Emblem gear within 2 days. I have not specced into any talent that empowers my renew as I simply don't use it right now - I felt it's not worth it when I can't have Empowered and Improved together.
My class is also a very great support for the raid, Hymn of Hope is great in mana intense fights, Fortitude buff is nothing to blink away, extra stamina even for DPS and healers is good. Makes less people die from fails or random DMG
(Shade of Aran anyone :p?). I have not played this class for a long time, but I've played WoW for a pretty long time. I started back in preTBC with a warrior.
CPU: AMD Phenom II 4x 955 Processor (Quad Core, 3.2Ghz, I haven't overclocked this as it's not needed for WoW.)
nVidia GeForce 275 GTX - Splendid card.
RAM: 3.3GB , actually I got 4GB but Windows XP can't handle more than 3.3GB.
I'm considering getting W7 soon but atm I feel XP is enough and W7 won't work with all that I do.
I'm not sure, I think it's about 24Mbit/s. Anyways I very rarely got ANY lag.
Operating System: Windows XP.
Additional Information:
All in all I love my computer and I care about it very much, always updating my Drivers - Getting almost anything that will make the gaming easier for me.
INFORMATIONPast guilds in Lightning's Blade:
Wow. I've been here for more than 4 years - So I'll just post some that I feel are worth mentioning.
Imba ( TBC )
Oppressum ( TBC )
Oppressum ( WoTLK )
Erida ( WoTLK ) For those who don't know, Oppressum and Requiem merged into Erida. Too bad it fell apart after a month or so.
Lost Heaven ( WoTLK )
Amicus ( I guess you could say this is my current guild )
My memory is failing me..
There were a few more but right now I just can't remember the names of them, hehe.
guilds in other servers:
None - Been on Lightning's Blade my entire "career" :p.
Why did you leave your last guild/s?:
Imba disbanded afaik.
Oppressum merged then disbanded
Lost Heaven changed raid times that really didn't fit me.
Nothing much, some AQ20 a few bosses in MC. A bit of ZG.
Karazhan - Cleared
Magtheridons Lair - Cleared
SSC - All except Vashj (We simply moved on since there were new stuff to clear that was more intresting)
ZA - Cleared
Hyjal - Cleared
Gruuls Lair - Cleared
TK - Cleared
BT - Cleared
SWP - 2 / 6. We stopped after a while, we only were there for a few days I think.
Naxx 10 / 25 - Cleared
OS 10 / 25 - Cleared Note: Cleared OS3D 25 preUlduar. (;
EoE - Cleared
Ulduar - Not so much, up till Mimiron I think. I got some personal problems and had to take a break; let's just say I won't have those problems again.
ToC - 10 / 25 - Cleared
ToGC - 10 / 25 - Not cleared I think. Haven't really tried
Everything's so focused on ICC.
ICC - 9 / 12 down. Haven't really raided, I stopped on my main to level up this one.
Other characters on other servers:
Lightning's Blade all the way.
would you like to join Monkey Tennis?:
You seem like a stable guild with a lot of potential, no slacking and lots of nice players. I'm really interested in getting into PvE again and you guys seems just right for me!
How can you help Monkey
I'm a VERY dedicated WoW player with LOTS of experience. I know my stuff and I will NEVER whine - But I will tell my opinion we could do to improve ourselves.
notes and anything random you'd like to tell us about yourself:
I would prefer joining you guys with my friend with me. He's a very good player. The good thing that we know each other IRL is that we can call each other if there's something happening. Like a random raid or something
. We would seriously love that.
Please remember that we're NOT asking for a gear boost or anything like that!
I know I'm pretty young, but trust me, I'm reliable. I know my english and I will not be shy to tell you guys what I think. I got quite a few people who can ensure you I am a good & reliable player.
I wish to add (if you haven't understood that already) that all of my raiding experience is made on different characters.
Here's a few lined if you wish to check achievements
Warrior, my first character:, Did some of my stuff here:, my first WoTLK stuff is here:, some stuff here. Not much I afaik:, now I hope I got everything lined up and that you carefully consider my application. I would be grateful
. If there's ANYTHING missing please whisper me! :') As you see, I'm very eager and serious in joining this guild.