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 Holy paladin

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3 posters

Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptySun Jul 04, 2010 11:13 pm


Real Name: Sebastian

Country: Denmark

Age: 18

What times can you play: close to everyday just got a few days with work but i will tell a week before about the work. But mainly i have work day Wensday, but else can i stay from 18.30-02.00 before my summer holiday ends and after i can stay to 23.30

Character name: Lazirin


Race:Blood elf

Talent specialisation: holy spec(51/20/0) i got a retri spec but not anything serious (5/7/59)

Main PVE gear: (Armory Link

Time played (/played):28 days,8 hours total play time on this char (19days, 7hours in this lvl) well the reason to my low playtime is that i actually started in the ending of december last year, but my Dk was my old main before i decided to lvl this one with a friend

Tell us a little about what your class and specc brings to the raid: I think it is the best single-target healing class in the game, because of there high healing and low cast time, that is also one of the reasons that i choose paladin, but other things we bring to raids beside our big heals, we got our buble and that combined with Divine sacrifice, which can help in situations where the tank is in bad problems. About the spec is a steady healing spec which work for all fights for the ones with FoL spam (mainly hcs) and for the HoL spam fights.

CPU:2,7 Ghz Intel core duo

GPU: Nevidia GeForce 8800 GT

RAM:2 giga byte

Internet Connection: 10mbit

Operating System:Windows XP professionel

Additional Information:It is a steady computer that works good

Past guilds in Lightning's Blade:Placitum, Serenity

Past guilds in other servers:Keepers of Chaos on Alonsus, it is an Ally guild

Why did you leave your last guild/s?: Placitum got disbanded because of troubles with having stabil raid days. I haven't left Serenity yet, because i wanted to hear your reply first, but if i leave them it is because i want to start on hc boss farming instead of farming to get LK down

Endgame experience: Well i got 11/12 on both 10 and 25man and also got some decent tries on LK in both 10 and 25man, but i haven't been much in hc since i haven't had the guild which was good enough for that
Other characters on other servers: Got a mage, a rogue and a dk on this server but none of them are good enough for ICC raiding

Why would you like to join Heavens Fury?: I want to join a good raiding guild with serious people, and not just the standard bosses, but a guild who do hc bosses which is much harder, so all get a bigger challenge

How can you help Heavens Fury?: I think i can help by being a steady healer who do the job when it is needed, and not just another slacker who say "hey boost me" but i want to put as much effort as possible in it

Do you know any members of Heavens Fury?: Yes i know Spotted pretty well

Additional notes and anything random you'd like to tell us about yourself: My sparetime is used on wow or being with the friends, i actually enjoy both
things alot

And last of all, do you have any bad reputation you think we should know about?: No i don't got any bad reputation as good as i know
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Ascended / Raider

Class : Rogue
Gender : Male
Location : Orgrimmar Bank

Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptySun Jul 04, 2010 11:38 pm

This guy has got my vouch, he's a exceptional player whom are truely dedicated. I've had the pleasure of being his guild master, and he was one of the few reasons I kept the guild running. Anyhow, I'm in belief that he'd be a great asset to our guilds raiding setup. And let's face it. . . I'll hang him by his ballsack if he fails, so I'd say he's rather fail proof as well!

Good luck with your application mate, I hope to see some friendly and considering replies even though we've got two active holy paladins (whom does an awsome job) and a 'stand-by' active one Smile

Greatest regards, Spotted.
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Mage
Gender : Male
Age : 37
Location : sweden/malmö

Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 12:22 am

well thats just the issue, we dont have 2 but 3 active holy palas, i have a hard time picturing us having a raid spot for him (as well as that if he where ret/prot) anyway i want to see what the others have to say about this too before we decide
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : Looking at your character's Armory.

Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 3:30 pm

As much as I'd love to not pick holes in this application, there are some things that just confuse me regarding your armory.

First, helm and shoulder enchants are bad. mp5 is better, since crit no longer gives us back the mana it used to, mp5 has since become our 3rd best stat behind intellect and haste.

Second, gear with haste, even if lower itemlevel, is better than higher itemlevel gear without it. for example your boots, If i couldn't get anything better, I'd be using either the crafted plate/mail ones, or the 245 boots from TotC25. The cloak you are using is 'meh', I never spent the frost emblems on it, especially since there was a nicely itemised 232 available from the Midsummer Fire boss over the last two weeks.

Thirdly is your choice of libram. If you use Holy Light primarily like you say (which is good, it's how it's supposed to be done), the emblem of frost libram is bad. If you use Flash of Light primarily (which, when done right is also just fine, provided a Holy Light paladin is already present in raids), the emblem of frost libram is bad.

Since holy shock is not an ability we should use much, and spellpower as a stat isn't entirely useful (holy light with 1k spellpower hits for 7k, 12-14k crit, so with ~3k it's around 15k, 20-22k crit), I'd much prefer the ilevel 200 libram available from emblems of heroism, since it's our best in slot.

Finally, Glyph of Holy Light. Get it. As i mentioned above, Holy Shock is NOT a spell holy paladins should be using much, and the glyph for it is not good.

Aside from that, there's no real problem. But as mahin said, we do have 3 active holy paladins (including myself), which means we rarely need more in a raid.
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 4:01 pm

Well about the Libram i always have my HoL libram with me (the item lvl 200). About the point with mp5 i actually didnt know that but thx for informing me Wink And atm i am changing the things that you informed me about Smile
Still hope you can find a spot for me in the guild
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 6:47 pm

well tbh if we got a spot for you in guild, raiding one that is, it might be only once or none per week. so, if u could be patient for a day or two, i wud be glad, cus officers have to discuss your application together. thx for applying , and whatever we decide, you can join guild, either as trial or friend.
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 6:56 pm

Ofc i can wait Wink
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyThu Jul 08, 2010 11:47 pm

what i can offer at this point is friend status, since we have really great crew when it comes to paladins. tell me either here or in game what u decided, and u can socialize with us. as for raiding, i am sorry but i can't provide any more spots for paladins.
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 12:36 am

Well i have one question about the friend rank. Is there any chance that i can join raids and so on? or will it just be a place to stay inactive?
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 12:44 am

well u can join alt runs with guildies, any weekly random dungeons and possibly an icc25 alt raid which i will be making very soon and every week (25 that is ). as for MAIN raid, im not sure, shitload of things should happen so we miss a holy paladin - BUT it's still possible.
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 10:32 am

I can live with that Wink
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 4:58 pm

ok whisper any officer for guild inv. case closed
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Holy paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy paladin   Holy paladin Empty

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Holy paladin
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