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 Haniböö Holy Paladin

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6 posters


Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Location : Finland, Helsinki

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 1:44 pm


Real Name: Juuso

Country: Finland

Age: 22

What days and times can you play? (Are you in control of your life?):
Pretty much anytime I want. I live in my own apartment so No mom here to say when to stop playing.


Character name: Haniböö

Class: Holy

Race: Belf

Talent specialization:
My current spec is 52/19/0. I have played this build since Ulduar becaus of longer Ss and Sc also reduced damage taken from Rf is good.

Main PVE gear - Armory link:
Screenshot of your UI (link):
Time played (/played):
Total time: 48d 2h.

Tell us a little about what your class and spec brings to the raid:
It depend on fight. Fights where damage is high on tanks I beacon other tank and heal the other like in Hc marrogar and Queen. Fight where most damage is on raid I keep the beacon on tank and help raid
or heal ot. Normally I use Hl and keep ss+fol hot up if inc damage is high. If I have to run or avoid things Like maleable I use Hs+Fol if its needed. In tough situations like bloodwhirl, bone spin etc
where raid damage is high I use Divine Sacrifice. If there is silence like Enraged spirist I use aura mastery so ppl wont get silenced by them.

What is your alt spec? You have items for it? Are you willing to play you alt spec if needed by the guild?
Atm I have pvp holy spec but I have decent offgear in retri. Got shadows edge. Smile And Im willing to respec or go off spec if needed.


Is your computer able to handle 25 man raids smoothly with addons etc?
Yes it is. and I dont hae put all spelldetails down.

Is your internet connection stable?
I think yes exept if theres is a natural disaster or something lol.

You have Ventrilo and microphone?
Yep and Im willing to use it if I have to.


Past guilds in Lightning's Blade:
Latest raiding guild was RwGaming.

Past guilds in other servers:
Always been on this server.
Why did you leave your last guild/s?:
Well the raiding was good and we have nice progres in there but we use the addon called Epgp. It was fine but the leader was still choosing who gets and which item. It wasnt so fair. Other thing was that other officers was
his old friends. They didnt knew anything about that guild or couldnt aswer if someone had something to ask. So I got kicked out of the guild becaus I was saying these thing out loud. I have sum friend behind me and they got kicked as well.
I didnt like the athmosphere and it went kinda messy.

Raiding experience
Vanilla: Mc(full), Onyxia, Zg(full) Aq20(full)
TBC: Karazhan, Magtheridon, Gruul, Ssc, Tk(No kael), Bt
I was playing Mage in vanilla and tbc.
WOTLK: everything exept algalon. My Icc expe is kinda messy. Icc25 12/12 Icc25Hc(9/12). I have run sum "bugs" with paragons alts. So my hc exp is mostly from there. In this charr my Hc exp is 7/12 but I have done Queen, Lady Deathwisper and Deathbringer with my mage(Suprjuuso).

Other level 80 characters (link armory):
Suprjuuso - Mage: http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Lightning's+Blade&cn=Suprjuuso
Ipi - Rogue: http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Lightning's+Blade&cn=Ipi

Why would you like to join Heavens Fury?:
I want join a stable, good raiding guild. Like you see my exp is spread between mage and this so I wanna 12/12 hc icc with this charr before Cataclysm hits and I know you guys are capable to do that.

How can you help Heavens Fury?:
Im good player. I have played long time and raided pretty much. I can offer you guys stable, mature, patient player and I think I have good sence of humor lol.
Do you know any members of Heavens Fury?:
"Combuter says: No" cant say that I know, but I have done sum icc10mans with some players. Last time I was with you guys we killed hcputri Smile

Additional notes and anything random you'd like to tell us about yourself:
I study at the University of applied science. In two years Im an engineer lol. I do some work between school, but that should not be problem because its like once a month.

And last of all, do you have any bad reputation you think we should know about?:
I hope not, but if some1 has pls tell me so I can answer. Im not use to shout at people or just anoy them.

Whisper me or answer here if you want ask anything. Im more than happy to answer as good as I know. Peace.
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Ascended / Raider

Class : Rogue
Gender : Male
Location : Orgrimmar Bank

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 2:39 pm

If you've managed to write an application, and get a full gearset that Splosion can't rip apart - you've got my vouch. Good luck!
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Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 2:44 pm


Can't really say much about holy pallys, I will leave most of it to Splosion.

To me your gear looks mostly fine besides your legs which i would reccommend getting haste ones thats about it... as said Splosion will have a proper look
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Ascended / Raider

Class : Druid
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : England

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 5:20 pm

Overall your gear is a fair bit lower than our progress, also you seem to have gone for far too much crit and far too little mp5 although I suppose it's a little merit to see you have gone for haste/crit rather than the evil that is crit/mp5.

Awaiting Splosion's reply :p
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : Looking at your character's Armory.

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 10:32 pm

Okay, I've left this a little bit, but here's my awaited reply.

Just a few things, firstly regarding your gear. Crit enchants on helm and shoulders are BAD, they haven't been good since ulduar, you should have the mp5 equivalents. 10 stats on chest needs to be changed to 10mp5, which provides more overall regen than the intellect on the chest. Bracer enchant should be intellect, as spellpower is our worst stat, intellect gives regen, so it should be used, even with such high differences. Same with the weapon enchant, until you have zero mana issues spamming Holy Light and NOT using divine plea. Your nightmare tear should also be placed in your cape for similar reasons, as the socket bonus there is mp5.

I would suggest switching your talisman of resurgence to the tears of the vanquished, which again provides more overall regen than both, but of the two you have Lunar dust is the superior.

Final note on your gear, is your choice of belt and legs. There is a mail BoE belt that drops from Deathbringer Saurfang which, is simply optimised better than the plate equivalent, so I'd suggest you try and pick that up. The legs however...erm, they're just bad. Even at 277 level (I have them sat in my bags, doing absolutely nothing), they're inferior to all the crafted pieces. Get one of the crafted ones, in this priority - Cloth > Mail > Plate.

Your spec is ok, but why 2 points in improved devotion aura? If you're going to take that talent (and I'd advise not to, since a resto druid has a similar buff and they DO NOT stack.), you either go all or nothing. Instead, i'd suggest putting the extra points into improved Concentration aura (removing 1 point from Lay on Hands to get 3/3), or putting them into blessed hands, for the extra Salvation, Proctection + Sacrafice utility.

As for experience, I spy 10/12 in 10man heroic, and 6/12 in 25man heroic. This is fine, my only problem is where abouts you'll fit into our raids, since at the moment our healing setup is somewhat full with active raiders. But for now, make the changes I've mentioned.
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Class : Paladin
Gender : Female
Age : 113
Location : Wales !!

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyFri Sep 17, 2010 12:42 am

Too be honest we lack an Off Holydin But the problem is that we might not be able to fit you into raids . But nice application overall . Goodluck Lasgo
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Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Location : Finland, Helsinki

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyFri Sep 17, 2010 12:17 pm

Thanks for quick answer. I have looked the things you have said and compare my items/gems/enchants to what you suggest.

Splosion wrote:
Okay, I've left this a little bit, but here's my awaited reply.

Just a few things, firstly regarding your gear. Crit enchants on helm and shoulders are BAD, they haven't been good since ulduar, you should have the mp5 equivalents. 10 stats on chest needs to be changed to 10mp5, which provides more overall regen than the intellect on the chest. Bracer enchant should be intellect, as spellpower is our worst stat, intellect gives regen, so it should be used, even with such high differences. Same with the weapon enchant, until you have zero mana issues spamming Holy Light and NOT using divine plea. Your nightmare tear should also be placed in your cape for similar reasons, as the socket bonus there is mp5.

Imo i have never felt that iv goon oom during long fights where I need to spam Holy light whole time. Thats why I never though that I have too little mp5 so my choices has always been crit over mp5. But on the other hand I havent been that much in icc25hc. Like Sindra hc where damage is high so there is no room to slack. I use Judgement almost every cd if there is time, wing+Divine Illumination and plea is good for getting mana back and Arcane torrent on every cd. I mostly use it first time when i have lost 3-4k mana so it can be used few times in single fight.

Spell power/Int/gemming:
I have it mind to change bracers and main hand enchant but never done it but I think now I will. Smile And I have always sloted Nightmare tear but I think I can changes it to Dazling Eye of Zul or Royal Dreadstone. Need to check the which one benefist me more.

Splosion wrote:
I would suggest switching your talisman of resurgence to the tears of the vanquished, which again provides more overall regen than both, but of the two you have Lunar dust is the superior.

I just got the Silver of pure Ice so its also very good but I think talisman is better for my playstyle and my imba wings+di macro Smile
But SPI+purified lunar dust is best trinket comba that I could have.

Splosion wrote:
Final note on your gear, is your choice of belt and legs. There is a mail BoE belt that drops from Deathbringer Saurfang which, is simply optimised better than the plate equivalent, so I'd suggest you try and pick that up. The legs however...erm, they're just bad. Even at 277 level (I have them sat in my bags, doing absolutely nothing), they're inferior to all the crafted pieces. Get one of the crafted ones, in this priority - Cloth > Mail > Plate.

I have the mats for Crafted legs havent found crafter yet. Like I earlier i said. I have selected crit over mp5 before. Meaby I buy the belt from ah. Atleast I get something to do with my money Wink

Splosion wrote:
Your spec is ok, but why 2 points in improved devotion aura? If you're going to take that talent (and I'd advise not to, since a resto druid has a similar buff and they DO NOT stack.), you either go all or nothing. Instead, i'd suggest putting the extra points into improved Concentration aura (removing 1 point from Lay on Hands to get 3/3), or putting them into blessed hands, for the extra Salvation, Proctection + Sacrafice utility.

I didnt knew that druids have similar effect. Cant be aware of every classes special little things. I rather go for blessed hand mainly for salvation and sacrifice buff.

Splosion wrote:
As for experience, I spy 10/12 in 10man heroic, and 6/12 in 25man heroic. This is fine, my only problem is where abouts you'll fit into our raids, since at the moment our healing setup is somewhat full with active raiders. But for now, make the changes I've mentioned.

I just want add few things here because you were talking about it. I have studied all fights and been most of them. Not in sindra and lk hc.

It would be awesome if there is a spot for another healer. I talked one of your healers/officers Dranah it was I think. He/she dont know Smile said that you mainly have only one paladin in raid as healer but 2 paladins aint bad eighter. Dont know your healing setup or how you run it but if you have 10 active healers already then I would feel like taking someones place just for the two paladins in raid and I dont wanna join a guild just to sit on bench and waiting. I wanna raid!

I hope my answers will fill your requirments.
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : Looking at your character's Armory.

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyFri Sep 17, 2010 1:29 pm

Heh, I didn't quite expect that kind of reply, but I do have a response to one of the things you said.

Haniböö wrote:
Imo i have never felt that iv goon oom during long fights where I need to spam Holy light whole time. Thats why I never though that I have too little mp5 so my choices has always been crit over mp5. But on the other hand I havent been that much in icc25hc. Like Sindra hc where damage is high so there is no room to slack. I use Judgement almost every cd if there is time, wing+Divine Illumination and plea is good for getting mana back and Arcane torrent on every cd. I mostly use it first time when i have lost 3-4k mana so it can be used few times in single fight.

Since the illumination nerf (in the transition from patch 3.1 to 3.2), where the talent was reduced from 60% mana back to 30% mana back when you crit with a spell, has made crit point for point (ie 1 crit rating) half as good as mp5. What this means is that while the helm and shoulder enchants might look good, they really are barely worth half their value in mp5. The major problem with crit since that nerf is that it's become a half-throughput, half regen stat. Whilst the throughput part sounds nice on paper, you have to remember the average size of a holy light in ICC, versus how much damage a player will take. if you ever look at the overhealing part of recount, a good paladin will find themselves at ~70% overhealing, sometimes a lot more. This in itself means that crit is a lot less useful than it appears. So, like I said before, you stack mp5 until you don't go oom WITHOUT divine plea.

That brings me to the second half of your statement. Using both wings and divine illumination together with divine plea is a bad thing, since divine plea is a multiplicative bonus, meaning that it applies no matter how much extra bonus to healing you have. Here's some quick maths.

Say divine illumination and wings stack (so 35% + 20% = 55% extra healing.) Divine plea is a 50% reduction, but because it multiplies, it's effectively added after everything. So 100% (standard healing) + 35% + 20% = 155% extra healing. then we apply divine plea, 155% / 2 = 77.5% healing back.

Basically, the reason you don't stack divine plea with anything is that it's a waste of that cooldown. I personally use Divine plea 15-30 seconds before I expect some heavy damage to occur (for instance when we're expecting a 2nd mark from saurfang, since I handle 3 marks), so I have the mana ready. If you have to use the cooldowns close to one another, use them back to back (Ie Divine plea for 15, then Divine Illumination for 15, then Avenging wrath for 20sec), which gives the burst healing to continue despite the mana drains.

Final thing, Judging on CD is not the best idea, it's essentially a wasted 1.5 second GCD (it's extended for holy, doesn't count with the haste we have) every 10 seconds, when we only really need to judge once a minute for judgements of the pure. I'd suggest healing from melee range, to get the use of auto-attacks whenever you do have to cast an instant spell.

As for a raid spot, there is a possibility for a 2nd paladin healer, I've not tried it for a while, since usually it results in one affecting the other's healing greatly, and there is significantly more overhealing to worry about. I'll have a talk about our raid setup, and get back to you.
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Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyMon Sep 27, 2010 3:32 pm

considering a possible hear spot opened id give you my five cents for a trial, lets see what some others think, but i personally think it wouldnt be so bad to include you, as long as you listen to your class leader, etc, then im sure he may have a possible chance for you.
hopefully splosion would agree to try it at least. but his call Smile
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Disciple / Member

Class : Paladin
Gender : Female
Location : United Kingdom, Manchester

Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin EmptyMon Sep 27, 2010 4:44 pm

nice application and i like the way u fought ur side against Splosion however i think Splosion knows his paladin better than he knows himself sometimes so i'd listen to what he says xD

good luck man
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Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haniböö Holy Paladin   Haniböö Holy Paladin Empty

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Haniböö Holy Paladin
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