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 [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin

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4 posters
Disciple / Member

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Location : Denmark

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 1:47 pm

--------------- APPLICATION TEMPLATE ---------------


Real Name: Anders

Country: Denmark

Age: 24

What days and times can you play? (Are you in control of your life?): i can raid just about anytime of an average week ya name it and ill be there, (After having ended my tyrannical puppets master's reign of terror, using the ancient mythical art of Blunt force trauma to the base of the skull, i won my freedom and can now control my playtime as i so choose)


Character name: Reaverx

Class: Paladin

Race: Murlo.....Blood Elf

Talent specialization: Protection 54/17 pretty static spec, solid!

Main PVE gear - Armory link: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Lightning%27s+Blade&cn=Reaverx

Screenshot of your UI (link): roflmao, alright so in my old guild a guy actually posted a picture of himself thinking a UI was his face...i swear to god ask Kaldar he was there...or Prezfer.. anyways back on track!.

Time played (/played): got 41 days 9 hours on my pally.

Tell us a little about what your class and spec brings to the raid: Well the way i've set up my pally, is for support tanking, as i've spoken to Splosion about, running 2 paladins as offtanks in ICC is probably the best tanksetup you can possible run with, due to the doubble divine sacrifise/divine guardian which i am specced for, helps tons on the special event bosses such as Marrowgar and BQL, also helps alot atleast in pugs on Festergut , if people miss a spore, so that's my primary function currently, ofc i am willing to respec for main tank if it's needed ofc, but i believe it's better to run pallys as support tank for a main tank druid atleast on LK.

What is your alt spec? You have items for it? Are you willing to play you alt spec if needed by the guild? i got somewhat decent gear for retri and holy, raiding as holy would probably mean the end of my brain, never been much for healing, however i suppose i could be swayed by some kind words and alot of booze..


Is your computer able to handle 25 man raids smoothly with addons etc? My computer is a beast "i payed extra" movie quotations r fun !, but ya it's a good solid gamer build Desktop runs wow flawlessly, however i did feel a minor spike lag, during a ToTC run with 8 dk's and all their armies up, but it was minor

Is your internet connection stable? Very solid connection, i rarely DC less than 1 time a month.

You have Ventrilo and microphone? Yes Sir! over.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: im just one more of them random off generated nerds out of the RoG Nerd maker that is wow, well then anyways on the serious note im a pretty solid normal person from Denmark, i like booze i like women and i like booze, i have a burning passion for movies and TV shows, despite not owning a Tee Voo, but ya all together a pretty solid normal person, i don't appreciate failing much though, but then again who does, but i pride my self on not rage quitting! i suppress it and am developing a tumor atm. current progress shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM4mgFOCNMg&feature=search on my brain tumor.

Past guilds in Lightning's Blade: pretty much it.

Past guilds in other servers: Darksorrow.

Why did you leave your last guild/s?: Well i lost my arm in nam....so... i had to... : I left due to a dispute with an officer that ripped the guild in half, so the officers and a few of the loyal members migrated to Lightnings Blade, after a while on alliance i quit WoW for a while been back now for a months time after a 6 months break. im Leaving due to lack of will to lead guilds too much work to establish something new.

Raiding experience
Vanilla: pvped throughout vanilla went to a few lose runs here and there, went to MC/BWL/Naxx had some pretty influential friends back then so my vanilla experience was somewhat odd
TBC: raided Karazhan, Gruul's , SSC and downed a few bosses in TBT was too occupied with pvp at that time
WOTLK: Naxxramas,Eye,OS,Ulduar,CoTC,ICC,RS tried all, still haven't downed Yogg-Saron/algalon (haven't been bothered) i didn't like Ulduar much so once it became obsolete i never really bothered going back. as for CoTGC i did that on my Druid which was my main at the time of COTGC, i then started playing my pally during the early release of ICC and got saurfang down b4 the plagueworks released and all that jazz, EYE should diaf but did that and OS too during the naxx time. and as for RS still working on it, downed all the trash and mini bosses but due to imba failings on the last 2 runs i've been on im still short of the Achievement but ofc. know the fight and all that jazz.

Other level 80 characters (link armory): http://eu.wowarmory.com/search.xml?searchQuery=fearo&searchType=all

Why would you like to join Heavens Fury?: well i would like to join Heavens Fury for all the women... pardon my lame humor and my feebled attempts at being funny!. Naw i wish to join Heavens Fury because i cannot for the like of me stand doing pugs anymore, i want to raid seriously without drama queens and without ninjas.
Heavens Fury seems to be a guild that matches what i would be looking for and after talking to a few people in the guild it's been made abundantly clear that you guys seem to be on the same wave-lenght as me as for how to deal with Theorycraft, if i am to join one more guild without it being taken seriously i will off my self using a taser and i shall make a poll on some public board to find out where i shall be aiming it at! (link will follow if i get declined)

How can you help Heavens Fury?: Well obviously i am better than Kungen and quite possibly jesus christ, no im just a regulair guy who likes to take the game seriously and avoid all the fucking around that comes with pugging , in return im a happy motivated player who likes to kid around and flirt with other me.......n.i mean women!! YA WOMEN WUUHU.. i take life with a gram of salt and don't take the game to serious at any point, i dislike wiping so there for i keep my focus to 100 % during raids, but the game needs to remain fun and that's what i strive for, having fun and my idea of fun is to get good laughs and avoid unncessary stupiditys and chat out my ass with people who are cool =)

Do you know any members of Heavens Fury?: Scratched the surface on a coupple Splosion and Messias but no i can't say that we've gone out drinking, however im sure i could come up with some cool fratparty stories in a few seconds if i were to!

Additional notes and anything random you'd like to tell us about yourself: i don't share naked pictures anymore.....ermm.....i've been known to have an atittude towards horrible people, also known to be a firm believer that the rules of the game should be upheld, i dislike exploiting encounters n such. Other than that not really other than i'd like to Thank you guys for actually reading all 10947 letters i have now typed in <3

And last of all, do you have any bad reputation you think we should know about?: well some people have decided im a cry baby for being upset at being blamed for failing at a certain RS run and appearently also for telling people not to argue during a LK attempt. but other than that i think i have a pretty decent rep.
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[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 1:56 pm

I remember you from the mountains.... (or the arena should one say)

you locked horns with me and splosion in arena and proceeded to bitch at me Razz
turned out your a pretty cool guy and i like that

+10000000 APP points for me Razz
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Hunter
Gender : Male
Age : 40
Location : London - Athens

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 2:07 pm

Man you shouldn't start drinking booze so early in the day! Nice app though Razz

Regarding your gear, I hope you have a tanking helm that you forgot to equip.

Splosion will probably tell you to change weapon enchant since blade ward sucks, change hands enchant to +18stamina (or armor), change back enchant to armor, change ring gem to blue (why the heck you put a yellow gem? and why the heck you put it in a red socket?). But in any case wait for advice from Splosion.

Experience is decent, hopefully you are a fast learner.

We have to solve some issues with one of our prot paladins, but +1 from me.
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Disciple / Member

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Location : Denmark

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 2:43 pm

the yellow enchant in the ring is due to me having switched my tank ring to the dps version so that i was defense capped for some heroics good eye =) i much prefer blade ward to Blood draining, due to pallys never dropping low enough for it to proc in my experience, blade ward just offers better results but ya im open to da theorycraft debate ! =) i prefer the avoidance on 16 def more than the few points of armor the cloak enchant provides personally, hand enchant i prefer armsman due to extra threat till i get a proper weapon
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : Looking at your character's Armory.

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 3:08 pm

Nice app, a pleasure to read, and very funny aswell.

As to your gearing, there are some things I'd like you to change. Firstly, change the gem in your helm (Guys who see his helm as dps, he has the LDW 25 helm) to a Shifting Ametrine (10 agi 15 stamina) and change the 20 def gem in your ring Razz. Swap the chest enchant for 275 health, and the glove enchant for 240 armor or 18 stamina, whichever you prefer. Cloak enchant needs to be 225 armor, and the weapon enchant needs to be Blood Draining, but I'd wait until you can get a better ICC weapon.

The debate of which enchant to use is simple. In icc with around 50% avoidance (including the ICC radiance), you've basically got a 90% chance of taking 5 hits in a row. If for some reason you didn't get heals in that time, Blood draining has a MUCH higher chance of saving your life than Blade ward. Blade ward's effectiveness also reduces with better gear, since it's an increase in Parry rating, which suffers diminishing returns.

Much the same with the cloak armor enchant, in ICC mitigation (via armor and stamina) > avoidances, due to the above statement. This overall makes agility better to gem/enchant than dodge, and armor better to enchant than avoidance. As for the armsman enchant, minus the parry rating, it's a rehash of the old threat enchant from AQ40 (i.e. level 60), and since in most 25man raids you'll not have the threat problems you have in heroics or 10mans, the extra survivability provided by the armor enchant (or stamina if you prefer), is better.

I'll leave the math there ^^.

If you have any, I'd like you to get some gear with frost badges, in this order: Belt, cape, offset gloves. You could get the offset chest, but the 2set tier 10 bonus isn't that bad for threat if you have issues with it.

Besides that, We discussed the changes I'd make to your spec, but besides that, I don't have any problems. Your experience is good, I spy 7/12 10man and 2/12 25man heroic modes, and considering there isn't that much of a difference between 10 and 25man, so no problems there.

From speaking to you, I can personally vouch you're a good paladin, and if you apply any of that to tanking you'd excel, so I'd love to have you.

However, we are trialing a truckload of tanks currently, so you May be asked to DPS for some bosses until we can arrange the normal tanking team.

1 from me.

P.S. I'd have that 2v2 rematch anytime Razz
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Disciple / Member

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Location : Denmark

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 3:36 pm

oh its on!!! Bring your duelling pistols we're going hunting ma'
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : Looking at your character's Armory.

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 3:38 pm

Now the only question is how to have said duel XD
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Disciple / Member

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Location : Denmark

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 4:41 pm

TEH PLAZE is where we'll have the duel ! DA GURU ARENA! STV!
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Ascended / Raider

Class : Rogue
Gender : Male
Location : Orgrimmar Bank

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 5:12 pm

Quote :
From speaking to you, I can personally vouch you're a good paladin, and if you apply any of that to tanking you'd excel, so I'd love to have you.

Wait, what?! did you do drugs Chris? since when have you become THIS nice to new applicants?!

Next to that, even though it were refreshing to see an application written with a sense of irony, this is a said 'serious buisness' so you might want to keep it to a few fun quotations instead of basing your entire application upon getting us to laugh. Good luck with your application however, I guess they need a dane to replace me anyway :p!

Yours sincerely, Spotted.
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Disciple / Member

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Location : Denmark

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 5:34 pm

well i like to keep up the good stuff along with the dull stuff that must become repetative in the long run, watching people credit themselves to the point where the reader would start to feel notious. But nonetheless the questions was answered to the best of my abillities, just thought i'd give everything a laugh if nothing else =) but your concern is duely noted
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : Looking at your character's Armory.

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 5:43 pm

Spotted, I explained clearly what had to be done. If he does what I asked, good. If not, well we'll look for another. I mentioned I had a discussion with the guy, so hey, forgive me for being nice for once. The application may be not "srsbsns", but it's a show of charater, and at least everything is answered.

Anyone else want to comment?
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[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 6:21 pm

not really, good app, but im guessing many will just nod at whatever decision you make chris Razz
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Ascended / Raider

Class : Rogue
Gender : Male
Location : Orgrimmar Bank

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyTue Aug 24, 2010 7:55 pm

There's the Chris I know, I got scared for a moment :p
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Divine Exorcist / Guild Council

Class : Paladin
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Location : Looking at your character's Armory.

[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 1:05 pm

Accepted, PM me or another officer ingame for an invite.
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[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin   [ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin Empty

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[ACCEPTED] Reaverx Protection Paladin
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